Beach Haven School District
700 North Beach Avenue | Beach Haven, NJ 08008
PH: 609-492-7411             FAX: 609-492-7459

Beach Haven School District
Eighth Street & Beach Avenue
Beach Haven, NJ 08008
PH: 609-492-7411
FAX: 609-492-7459


October 25, 2011

TUESDAY, October 25, 2011

The regular meeting of the Beach Haven Board of Education was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President, Mary Lou Bellingeri, who announced that this meeting is being held in accordance with the notice published in the Beach Haven Times and Asbury  Park Press.  Notice of this meeting was also posted in the area of the Superintendent’s office.  The roll was called and members present were:

Present: Mary Lou Bellingeri, Amy Haig, Dina Ranade and Donna Kilcommons
Absent: Sandra Close
Also Present:  Dr. Daggy – Superintendent
Visitors: Mrs. Fay and Miss. Pottichen

On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Ranade, all members voting in favor, the Board approved the September 27, 2011 board minutes.


Finance Committee – Dr. Daggy reported that the audit will be ready for the November BOE meeting.
Curriculum/ Technology Committee – NA
Facilities/Transportation Committee – NA
Policy Committee – On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting in favor, the Board approved and adopted the Bylaw 0142 and Policies 2431.4 & 5512.
Public Relations Committee –  N/A
Negotiations Committee – Dr. Daggy reported that she has spoken to the BHEA about negotiations.  They will begin after the audit is completed.
Charter/Regionalization – Executive session

Enrollment – 66
Attendance - NA
Health – On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Close, all members voting in favor, the Board approved the Nurses Report for September.
Safety & Discipline – Dr. Daggy reported that both drills have been held.
Bullying/Harassment Incident Report - Dr. Daggy reported that there have been no incidents of bullying during October.

Attendance – 98.9949%
Formal Observations – Dr. Daggy reported that she has begun with the non-tenured staff.
In service activities–
Dr. Daggy reported that she had her first HIB training with the staff at the October faculty meeting.  A second session will be held in November.
Dr. Daggy reported that the Mind-Up Training has been scheduled for November 16.  Marc Meyer from the Hawn Foundation will do the training from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00.
Curriculum Status – NA
District goals – Dr. Daggy reported the NJASK results for the 2010-2011 school year.
Recommended board actions, motions – 
On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved students 1-2 going on a field trip to the SRHS Holiday Assembly on Thursday, December 22, 2011, 90 a.m. 
On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved  -
PreK4-2nd grades request to go to the Wetlands Institute, Stone Harbor, NJ on Thursday, May 17, 2012.  Cost: $7.50/person + school bus transportation.
Grades 3 – 6 request to go to Cold Spring Village, Cape May, NJ on Tuesday, May 29, 2012.  Cost: $224 + school bus transportation
PreK4-2nd grades request to go to the Cape May Zoo , the date to be arranged in the spring.  Cost:  $50.00 + bus transportation
Grades 3 – 6 request to go to the Ocean County Courthouse in Toms River, NJ and the Beach Haven Museum on Wednesday, January 25, 2012.  Cost: -0- + school bus transportation.

Attendance (September) – 97.3684%
Observations – On-going
Recommended board actions, motions –  
On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Ranade, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the request by the PTA to use the school grounds to –  
Provide an after school craft on Thursday, October 27 from 2:45 – 4:00 p.m.  Ms. Mary Jane Oswald officer in charge.
Provide the Halloween Parade and Party on Friday, October 28 from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.   Mrs. Cathy Deely officer in charge.
On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board ratified the request by Shar-Pei Rescue to use the parking lot to  advertise their program on October 1st and 2nd from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the September current expenses and budget status report.
On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the Board Secretary’s certification that no line items had been overdrawn. was
On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the October bills for payment.

On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan for submission to the county office.

On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting in favor, the BOE moved out of open session and into executive session at 7:53.

Items discussed in Executive Session:
School Status Report

On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting in favor, the BOE moved out of executive session and adjourned at 8:24.

NEXT MEETING:   November 22, 2011
Audit at 7:00
Regular Meeting at 7:30