Beach Haven School District
700 North Beach Avenue | Beach Haven, NJ 08008
PH: 609-492-7411             FAX: 609-492-7459

Beach Haven School District
Eighth Street & Beach Avenue
Beach Haven, NJ 08008
PH: 609-492-7411
FAX: 609-492-7459


December 18, 2012

TUESDAY, December 18, 2012

The regular meeting of the Beach Haven Board of Education was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President, Mary Lou Bellingeri, who announced that this meeting is being held in accordance with the notice published in the Beach Haven Times and Asbury  Park Press.  Notice of this meeting was also posted in the area of the Superintendent’s office.  The roll was called and members present were:

Present:Donna Kilcommons, Amy Haig, Sandra Close, Dina Ranade and Lil Brendel
Absent:Mary Lou Bellingeri
Also Present:Dr. Daggy – Superintendent
Visitors:Deb Snyder, Michael Pasternak, , Marjie Carnevale, Ron Carlson, Ellen Cahill, Meredith O’Donnell, Beth Markoski, Kathy Deely, Patrice Pottichen, Margaret Fay, Bruce and Tammy Harrison, Amy Barbera, Cassie Mitchell, Deb Harkness

MINUTES:  On a motion by Sandy Close, seconded by Amy Haig and all members
voting in favor the minutes from the October 23, 2012 and November 27, 2012 were

PUBLIC OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK:  Concerns were expressed regarding the necessary move to Eagleswood.  The planned use for the modulars was discussed. Curriculum delivery was discussed. Miss Pottichen noted that things were going well and that Eagleswood had made everyone welcome. Mrs. Snyder spoke about Eagleswood school.  She, also, shared a slide show of the children involved in December activities.

•Finance Committee –
▪Dr. Daggy shared that the school has received a very generous amount of money from the insurance company to pay for reconstruction
▪On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig and all members voting in favor the audit report for the 2011-2012 school year was accepted.
▪On a motion by Mrs. Haig, seconded by Mrs. Close and all members voting in favor Section 125 – Flexible Spending Account availability for employees was approved.
•Curriculum Committee –  N/A
•Facilities/Transportation Committee –  N/A
•Policy Committee – The second reading of the revised policies was tabled.
• Public Relations Committee –  N/A
•Negotiations Committee – N/A
•Charter/Regionalization – NA
•Technology Committee – Dr. Daggy informed the BOE that the office computers have been replaced. Full recovery of the hard drives was achieved.

•Enrollment – 62
•Attendance – N/A
•Health – On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting 
      in favor the nurse’s report was approved
•Safety & Discipline – Dr. Daggy reported that all required drills have been conducted.
•Bullying/Harassment -  Dr. Daggy reported that there have been no incidents of HIB.

•Attendance – NA
•Formal Observations – NA
•In service activities– NA
•Curriculum Status – NA
•District goals – NA
•Recommended board actions, motions –  NA

•Attendance – NA
•Observations – On-going
•Recommended board actions, motions –   NA

•On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the November current expenses and budget status report.
•On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs.Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the November Board Secretary’s certification that no line items had been overdrawn was not discussed. 
•On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs.Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the December bills for payment.

•Dr. Daggy reported on the BOE’s discussion regarding the resumption of the three year old class.  While the BOE extended an invitation to provide suggestions, they noted all of the obstacles that make them unable to move forward.                                         
•On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig and all members voting in favor, the BOE approved hiring an evening custodian for three hours per day at an appropriate hourly rate.

On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting in favor adjourned their December 18, 2012 meeting at 8:35.

Next Meeting:   January 22, 2012