Beach Haven School District
700 North Beach Avenue | Beach Haven, NJ 08008
PH: 609-492-7411             FAX: 609-492-7459

Beach Haven School District
Eighth Street & Beach Avenue
Beach Haven, NJ 08008
PH: 609-492-7411
FAX: 609-492-7459

Board of Education
  • Annual District Goals
  • Board Policy
  • Board Members
  • BOE Meeting Schedule
  • Career Opportunities
  • Comprehensive Equity Plan
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Meeting Minutes
  • OPRA Requests
  • User Friendly Budget 2022-2023
  • User Friendly Budget 2023-2024
  • User Friendly Budget 2024-2025 School Year

  • September 25, 2012

    TUESDAY, September 25, 2012

    The regular meeting of the Beach Haven Board of Education was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President, Mary Lou Bellingeri, who announced that this meeting is being held in accordance with the notice published in the Beach Haven Times and Asbury  Park Press.  Notice of this meeting was also posted in the area of the Superintendent’s office.  The roll was called and members present were:

    Present:Mary Lou Bellingeri, Sandra Close, and Donna Kilcommons
    Amy Haig and Dina Ranade
                                       Also Present:Dr. Daggy – Superintendent
    Visitors:Miss. Pottichen


    On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Close, all members voting in favor, the Board approved the August 28, 2012 board minutes.


    •Finance Committee – Dr. Daggy  reported that the audit is under way
    •Curriculum Committee –  On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Kilcommons, all members voting in favor, the Board approved the new curriculums –
    - Tech & Career
    - Consumer, Family & Life
    - Arts
    - Health & Physical Education
    - Language & Literacy
    - Math Grades 3-5
    - Social Studies
    - World Language
    • Facilities/Transportation Committee – 
    - Dr. Daggy updated the BOE on the school’s Security Plan
    - On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Kilcommons, all members  voting in  favor, the Board approved the $1,000 expenditure to repair the doors.
    - On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting in  favor, the Board approved the proposal to repair the portocal roof.
    - Dr. Daggy informed the BOE that a technician would be coming to evaluate the address system which seems to have been damaged in the June storm.

    •Policy Committee –  Mrs. Close and Mrs. Ranade will be updating policy.  The first readings will be at the October BOE meeting. 
    •Public Relations Committee –  N/A
    •Negotiations Committee – N/A
    •Charter/Regionalization – NA
    •Technology Committee – Dr. Daggy informed the BOE that 6 computers were damaged by the June storm.  They will be covered by our insurance carrier.  The cost will be $6,340.00.

    •Enrollment – 82
    •Attendance – N/A
    Health – On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting in favor the nurse’s report was approved
    •Safety & Discipline – Dr. Daggy reported that the required drills have been held.
    •Bullying/Harassment -  Dr. Daggy reported that there have been no incidents of HIB.

    •Attendance – N/A
    •Formal Observations – One observation with the student teacher has been completed.
    •In service activities– The required annual trainings for the teachers were done on the teachers’ first day.
    •Curriculum Status – NA
    •District goals – NA
    •Recommended board actions, motions – 
    •On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the field trip requests –
    •Grades: PK, Kg., 1 & 2 to Battleview Orchards in Freehold, NJ on October 25, 2012. Cost $7.00/person + bus transportation.
    •Grades: 3,4,5 & 6 to Liberty Science Center  on October 12, 2012. 8:30 – 4:00. Cost: $534.25 + Bus transportation.

    •Attendance –
    •Observations – On-going
    •Recommended board actions, motions –  
    œ    On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present 
          voting in favor, the Board approved the Building Use Request by the PTA 
    - Chowderfest Parking, Sat., September 29 & Sun., September 30, 2012, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    - Halloween Party & Parade, Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 5-8:30 p.m.
    - Build A Book, Thursday, October 11, 2012, 2:45-4:00 or Bingo, Friday, October 12, 2012, 6p.m. – 8 p.m.
    œ    On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members present voting in favor ratified the request by the Surflight to use the gym for auditions on September 22 from noon – 5 p.m.

    •On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Ranade, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the August current expenses and budget status report.
    •On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Close, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the August Board Secretary’s certification that no line items had been overdrawn was not discussed. 
    •On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Kilcommons, all members present voting in favor, the Board approved the September bills for payment. 
    •Correspondence – NA

         √The proposal to provide healthy lunches to the students was discussed at length.  
                 It was decided not to act upon it at this time.

    •On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons,, seconded by Mrs. Haig all members voting in favor, the BOE approved QSAC Statement of Assurance for submission.
    •Dr. Daggy updated the BOE on the Code of Conduct which was provided to all families at the start of school.
    •On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting in favor, the Nursing Services Plan was approved.
    •On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Kilcommons, all members voting in favor, Memorandum of Agreement was approved for submission.

    On a motion by Mrs. Close, seconded by Mrs. Kilcommons, all members voting in favor, the BOE moved from public session to executive session at 9:00 p.m.
    Items discussed:
    √    Health Benefits:  Employees are eligible for Health Benefits if they work a 
          minimum of 35 hours per week.

    On a motion by Mrs. Kilcommons, seconded by Mrs. Haig, all members voting in favor, the BOE moved out of executive session and adjourned their September 25, 2012 meeting at 9:20.

    Next Meeting:   October 23, 2012